Why Health Testing?
Dogs, like people, can be predisposed to certain genetic and physical issues. It's common to have specific issue arise in each dog breed (see below for the list), so we want to do all we can to help make sure our dogs and puppies won't have these common issues.
Without the extensive testing we do on our breeding dogs, we wouldn't know about these issues and would be unknowingly producing puppies that might have debilitating issues that arise later in life. These issues could lead to lameness, blindness, or even death in extreme circumstance. We don't want that!!
Because of this, all of our breeding dogs have been fully Embark tested. This tests for any genetic issues that might be present and could be passed on to offspring.
We have also begun OFA testing our dogs and are proud to say that we are among the VERY FIRST Pomsky breeders to test any one dog for ALL of the required OFA tests for Siberian Huskies, Pomeranians, and American Eskimo Dogs! These OFA tests are for physical ailments that are identified through specialized examinations and x-rays.
Without these specific tests being performed, we wouldn't know there was any issue, unless it was so extreme that it was debilitating in some way or another. The great news is that many of the issues can be caught early on in life and certainly before we would be able to tell it by just looking at our dog.
We want this level of testing to become commonplace and required among the Pomsky breeding community and are working hard to educate and work with other like-minded breeders that put the health of their dogs above anything else. Hopefully in the next few years these tests will be the gold standard. Because then we will not only be producing the healthiest Pomsky puppies possible, but buyers will know for certain that they are getting quality dogs!
Check out each member of the pack to see where they currently stand with their exams by clicking the button "Meet the Pack" below.
Our goal is to have EACH MEMBER of our pack FULLY TESTED with all of the OFA recommended exams in the next year!!!
***See below for specific OFA Recommended Tests and Testing Specifics for Breeders.***
OFA Recommended Tests
"The OFA, working with the breed's parent club, recommends the following basic health screening tests for all breeding stock":
Siberian Husky
Eye Examination
Hip Dysplasia
Eye Examination
Cardiac Evaluation
Patellar Luxation
Hip Dysplasia
Autoimmune thyroiditis
American Eskimo Dog
Eye Examination
Hip Dysplasia
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) DNA Test
Cardiac Evaluation
Elbow Dysplasia
Patellar Luxation
Autoimmune thyroiditis
***See below for all testing specifics.***
Testing Specifics
for Breeders
Cardiac Evaluation
- Recommended for Pomeranian
A list of board-certified cardiologists can be found on the web site: www.acvim.org
Note: It is recommended on the OFA website that ANY licensed veterinarian with experience perform auscultation (listening with a stethoscope) FIRST, and then only if a murmur is detected, do you need to go on to a cardiac specialist to obtain definitive diagnosis. If no murmur is present at auscultation, no need for a trip to a specialist! See below for more info.
Dogs under 12 months of age can be evaluated for the owner’s information. The most opportune time to gather this data is at 8–10 weeks of age, prior to the puppy’s release to the new owner.
A breed registry number will be issued for any dog found to be normal for cardiac disease at 12 months of age or older. Since acquired heart disease may develop later, these evaluations are valid for 1 year from the time of examination and annual exams are recommended.
"The exam is based on auscultation (listening with a stethoscope)."
"The clinical examination should be performed by an individual with advanced training in cardiac diagnosis" (Note: This doesn't have to be a board certified specialist; your veterinarian may be able to do this!)..."It is recommended that cardiac auscultation (listening with a stethoscope) be the primary screening method for initial identification of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) and the initial classification of dogs."
IF a murmur is detected, "definitive diagnosis of Congenital Heart Disease (CHD) usually involves one or more of the following methods:
- Echocardiography with Doppler studies,
- Cardiac catheterization with angiocardiography,
- etc."
(Note: ONLY IF A MURMUR IS DETECTED will advanced testing via the methods listed here need to be done by a board-certified Cardiologist. Use the link above to find a specialist near you.)
All quotations taken from:
OFA Website: Cardiac Evaluation
Eye Examination
- Recommended for Siberian Husky, Pomeranian and American Eskimo Dog
"You can visit the American College of Veterinary Ophthalmologists website at www.ACVO.org to find a board certified Ophthalmologist in your area."
"OFA Eye Certification examinations are screening exams performed by board certified veterinary ophthalmologists." (Use link above.)
"Certification is valid for 12 months from the date of the eye exam. Annual re-examination is recommended." (Note: There is no age limit to when a puppy can be tested, although their eyes must be open.)
"The owner has the option of sending their copy of the form, along with appropriate payment, to the OFA for entry into the CAER. Upon owner submission of results to the CAER, dogs with passing results, including those with “breeder option codes,” are issued certification numbers."
All quotations taken from:
OFA Website: Eye Certification
Hip Dysplasia
- Recommended for Siberian Husky and American Eskimo Dog
"Canine Hip Dysplasia typically develops because of an abnormally developed hip joint, but can also be caused by cartilage damage from a traumatic fracture. With cartilage damage or a hip joint that isn’t formed properly, over time the existing cartilage will lose its thickness and elasticity. This breakdown of the cartilage will eventually result in pain with any joint movement."
"Screenings for Hip Dysplasia are performed by a veterinarian with x-rays sent to OFA for grading and certification." Any licensed veterinarian can examine dog and submit findings to OFA.
"For dogs that are between 4 months and 23 months of age, preliminary screenings are available."
"The OFA accepts preliminary consultation radiographs on puppies as young as 4 months of age for evaluation of hip conformation. If the dog is found to be dysplastic at an early age, the economic loss from the cost of training, handling, showing and so forth can be minimized and the emotional loss reduced."
"TWO additional criteria must also be met in order to publish the preliminary results:
-The dog must be at least 12 months of age at the time of radiograph
-The dog must be permanently identified via microchip or tattoo"
"Radiography of females in estrus or pregnant should be avoided due to possible increased joint laxity (subluxation) from hormonal variations. OFA recommends radiographs be taken one month after weaning pups and one month before or after a heat cycle. Physical inactivity because of illness, weather, or the owner’s management practices may also result in some degree of joint laxity. The OFA recommends evaluation when the dog is in good physical condition."
All quotations taken from:
OFA Website: Hip Dysplasia
OFA Website: Preliminary Evaluations
OFA Website: Hip Screening Procedures
Patellar Luxation
- Recommended for Pomeranian
"In patellar luxation, the kneecap luxates, or pops out of place, either in a medial or lateral position... Animals can be affected by the time they are eight weeks of age."
Any licensed veterinarian can examine dog and submit findings to OFA.
"Evaluation of dogs under 12 months of age is encouraged if the owner desires to breed at this age. The most opportune time to gather breeding data is at 6-8 weeks of age prior to the puppy’s release to the new owner."
My note: since this exam is done in about 30 seconds and can be performed by ANY licensed veterinarian, breeders can easily have all of their puppies examined and, even more importantly, all of their breeding stock examined as young as 6-8 weeks, saving much time, emotional, and financial investment. There is a high degree of affected Pomeranians so it is essential to check ALL of our breeding stock for this common issue.
"The Patellar Luxation Database is for dogs 12 months and over. Examinations performed on dogs less than 12 months will be treated as consultations and no OFA numbers will be assigned."
"An OFA number will be issued to all dogs found to be normal at 12 months of age or older. The OFA number will contain the age at evaluation and it is recommended that dogs be periodically reexamined as some luxations will not be evident until later in life."
All quotations taken from:
OFA Website: Patellar Luxation
Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) DNA Test
- Recommended for American Eskimo Dog
"Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) specifically is a non-painful loss of vision that occurs over a period of time. Loss of vision can take 1 to 2 years to be complete."
"An ophthalmologist can first see signs of this disease by 8 weeks of age."
Note: Because of this, it is recommended that any Pomsky with American Eskimo Dog genetics undergo both this specific genetic test at birth (mouth swab), or as soon as possible, as well as have the Eye Examination completed as early as possible once eyes are open to catch any indication of PRA being present. THERE IS NO AGE LIMIT for either the genetic test or the physical exam. Both are recommended by the OFA for American Eskimo Dog.
While the previous tests are all physical, Progressive Retinal Atrophy (PRA) is a "DNA based prcd-PRA test from an approved lab".
We obtain the results of this specific genic test through the Embark Vet genetic tests that we do on all of our dogs. Puppies can be swabbed for genetic tests as soon as they are born, with results typically available within a few weeks.
Once genetic test results are received from an approved lab (including Embark Vet), the OFA Application for DNA Based Genetic Disease can be found here.
All quotations and links taken from:
OFA Website: American Eskimo Dog
Orthopedic Foundation for Animals
Founded in 1966, our mission is to promote the health and welfare of companion animals through a reduction in the incidence of genetic disease."
We couldn't be more honored to be among the first Pomsky breeders to start doing ALL four recommended OFA exams on our breeding stock: hip, patella, cardiac, and eyes.
"The world leader in dog genetics. Test your dog for 200+ genetic health risks.
Embark was founded to improve the lives of dogs for generations to come. We believe in collaborating with the best researchers and veterinarians worldwide to better dog health and wellness.
Research partner of Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine."

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